
People are the main driver of our firm’s success. The quality of people within our firm and the breadth of experience and interests ensures we are close to our clients and our community. Our recruitment policies are such that we recruit the best possible candidates irrespective of sex, race, religion or any other form of discrimination.

Diversity Monitoring

Our 2023 survey showed that complementing our five partners, 44% of our other staff are managers or qualified and 41% are training towards qualifications. 50% of our staff are female; 18% are under 25 and 41% are aged 25-34, with the remaining staff spread across the age bands 35-44, 45-54, 55-64 and over 65. Whilst 44% of staff are white British, we have staff from ten other ethnic groups; 38% have no religion and 53% are Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or other religion. Currently no staff have responded that they are disabled, however 5% are limited because of a long-term health problem or disability. 51% of staff attended a UK state school, and during their school years, 19% received free school meals and 19% were in households receiving income support; 59% of staff went to university.

As we are a training firm, our staff are predominantly under the age of 35 and this been reflected in our survey results. The survey also shows a wide mix of backgrounds within the firm.



We interact with and support our local community through providing our time and expertise.

We acknowledge that as a smaller firm, we can often have a far greater impact on the local community by providing our skills and expertise either pro-bono or at a much-reduced rate to support local charities and communities.

We introduced ‘Volunteering Days’ in 2021, and by the end of the year, more than 5% of the firm had taken part. We intend to build on this and to double the proportion of those involved year-on-year until at least 50% of the firm are volunteering on an annual basis.


During the year ending 31 May 2021, members of the firm spent 6,483 hours attending training courses. 88% of the firm attended training or professional development courses in that year.

Environmental, Social and Governance ('ESG')

We recognise the importance of ESG, and as a firm, we are committed to formulating and implementing an ESG strategy. Whilst there’s still a long road ahead on our ESG journey, we recognise that it is becoming easier and more precise to measure our environmental impact as a starting step. Even as we grow as a firm, we can set and achieve targets to reduce our impact absolutely.

Our commitment to reducing our impact on the environment includes:

  • In 2022, we switched to 100% green energy in terms of our electricity supply
  • Carrying out a review of our suppliers and their own environmental and social impact
  • Reducing ‘just-in-time’ purchases to minimise the delivery impact
  • Where possible, we purchase reusable and recyclable solutions instead of disposable items
  • Recycling all office paper waste
  • Ensuring sufficient trees are planted to offset the CO2 emissions from our energy consumption and travel impact
  • Implementing the use of electronic signatures on all documents where applicable, to reduce the amount of printing year-on-year

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